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Valuation solutions to maximise the return on your asset investment.

business combinations
Valuations are best left to the experts.
Extensive experience with Australian and international companies.

Valuations are a requirement of accounting standards. If you purchase a business, you need to recognise all the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities (including all the tangible assets), on the date of acquisition. The book value of plant & equipment does not necessarily reflect the true value of your business. A revaluation can determine if your assets are undervalued. As a specialist, independent consulting firm, ValQuip provides the assurance required under the strict independence rules set down by regulators which prohibit the auditor from undertaking this valuation work.

tax consolidation
We ensure optimal tax depreciation benefits as a function of the market value of your plant & equipment. We handle valuation issues arising from tax legislation.

ValQuip provides bidders and successful purchasers with current market valuations of plant & equipment ensuring they receive optimal tax benefits.
Most acquisitions create a new cost base for the assets as the depreciation available to the purchaser often differs from the vendor.
Any pre-valuation work performed at the due diligence stage can be used as the foundation for future valuation reports.

stamp duty
Expertise to assist in stamp duty market value assessments. We can help limit your stamp duty exposure.

Purchasing a business is subject to stamp duty which differs between states and territories in Australia. Without a formal valuation you could be exposed to the various stamp duties acts. ValQuip provides independent valuations that are a realistic allocation of the purchase price to the tangible assets. We not only provide the information for you to calculate your landholder’s duty, a valuation also allows you to contest inappropriate stamp duty assessments.

financial reporting
Regulators and auditors expect transparency. Delivering reliable fair values to support asset revaluations.

A regular and structured valuation program is important in meeting corporate governance and auditor expectations. Complying with AASB 116 requires a company to recognise and adjust the carrying value of their property, plant & equipment when there is a material change in fair value. ValQuip can assist in providing accurate, independent and supportable fair values of a company’s plant & equipment asset.

insurance valuations
Expertise to provide insurable values for tangible assets. Does your business have the right insurance cover?

Too many businesses either do not have adequate cover to protect themselves against a loss or are over-insured incurring additional and unnecessary costs. ValQuip provides an accurate and detailed asset valuation so that you attain an appropriate level of insurance cover.
We do this cost-effectively and in a way that delivers information and documentation that is suitable not only to the client, but also brokers and underwriters who require independent asset valuations to support insurance placements, claims management and loss control.

fixed asset management
We review and develop detailed asset records. Providing physical inventory reporting for accounting and taxation requirements.

Ensuring that your physical inventory is up to date and that all valuations of tangible assets are accurate can offer your business significant tax benefits. This is particularly relevant with mergers, acquisitions or divestitures, where the reliability of your fixed asset records can be weakened. ValQuip can also review, advise and make recommendations on improving your existing asset records. We conduct a physical stock-take of the fixed assets providing a diagnostic study to assess the condition of your existing asset records. A detailed report is produced including descriptions and asset details, historical cost and accumulated depreciation balances for each asset identified during the physical inventory process.

insolvency and restructuring
An expert, professional and independent adviser is an asset to your business. Valuation for restructuring and recovery alternatives.

Restructuring experts need to include independent valuations in their strategies. ValQuip is respected as an independent valuations company that not only has strong valuation skills, but also a thorough understanding of restructures, workouts and insolvency. We have the commitment, flexibility and experience to tackle complex and protracted assignments. Importantly, we aim to work closely with other professionals such as bankers, lawyers, and accountants when conducting our work.

insolvency and restructuring
An expert, professional and independent adviser is an asset to your business. Valuation for restructuring and recovery alternatives.

Restructuring experts need to include independent valuations in their strategies. ValQuip is respected as an independent valuations company that not only has strong valuation skills, but also a thorough understanding of restructures, workouts and insolvency. We have the commitment, flexibility and experience to tackle complex and protracted assignments. Importantly, we aim to work closely with other professionals such as bankers, lawyers, and accountants when conducting our work.

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